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The ultimate guide to teaching English as a Lingua Franca for ELT professionals
Module 1: What is native speakerism
Introduction: Why Discuss Native Speakerism in This Course (2:17)
Lecture 1: What is Native Speakerism (3:01)
Lecture 2: Five Effects of Native Speakerism on ELT (5:32)
Lecture 3: Seven Ways in Which Native Speakerism is Perpetuated and Maintained (13:47)
Lecture 4: How Can We Tackle Native Speakerism (6:35)
Lecture 5: Your roadmap to teaching ELF and tackling native speakerism (6:38)
[SLIDES] Download the slides from this module
Module 2: Understanding the Global Spread of English
Introduction: What you're going to learn (3:15)
Lecture 1: What is standard language and who gets to decide (7:54)
Lecture 2: Challenging standard English - World Englishes paradigm (7:44)
Lecture 3: Understanding English as a Lingua Franca (4:22)
Lecture 4: Some myths and misconceptions about ELF (8:59)
Lecture 5: Teachers’ and students’ uncertainty about ELF (8:25)
Lecture 6: Teaching EFL or ESL (6:14)
Lecture 7: Teaching ELF (4:51)
[SLIDES] Download the slides from this module
Module 3: How to promote ELF mindset and raise students' awareness
Introduction: What you are going to learn in this module (3:34)
Lecture 1: ELF mindset and its characteristics (5:10)
Lecture 2: How to promote the ELF mindset (8:01)
Lecture 3: How to talk about the global spread of English (6:04)
Lecture 4: How to discuss language standards and norms (8:08)
Lecture 5: How to raise awareness of native speakerism (7:45)
Lecture 6: How to examine intelligibility, accent and pronunciation (5:36)
Lecture 7: How to take a more critical look at the global spread and dominance of English (4:05)
SLIDES - Download all the slides here
Module 4: How to Teach Communicative Strategies for ELF Communicative Use
Introduction: What you're going to learn in this module (2:11)
Lecture 1: The importance of grammar and lexis (6:26)
Lecture 2: Eight communicative strategies crucial in ELF interactions (14:25)
Lecture 3: How CBs present communicative strategies (9:25)
Lecture 4: Avoiding miscommunication with pre-empting (7:35)
Lecture 5: Helping the interlocutor by paraphrasing (8:46)
Lecture 6: Negotiating meaning towards successful communication (5:33)
Lecture 7: Using L1 (and other foreign languages) to facilitate communication (14:15)
SLIDES - Download all the slides here
Module 5: How to Teach Intercultural Communicative Skills
Introduction: What you're going to learn (2:53)
Lecture 1: How culture is typically presented in EFL and ESL contexts (7:00)
Lecture 2: What intercultural communicative skills are
Lecture 3: Why focus on intercultural communicative skills (3:51)
Lecture 4: How you can promote intercultural communicative skills in class (3:26)
Lecture 5: Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Intercultural Communicative Skills (1:03)
Lecture 6: Sample Activity 1: Hong Kong police officers (7:01)
Lecture 7: Sample Activity 2: Students or stereotypes (8:26)
[BONUS] Suggested Reading
[OLD VERSION] What is Intercultural Competence and How Can We Teach It (18:18)
[SLIDES] Download the slides here
Module 6: How to Teach Pronunciation for English as a Lingua Franca Use
Lecture 1: Teaching Pronunciation of EFL and ESL (5:27)
Lecture 2: How the Global Spread of English Completely Changes the ESL and EFL Perspectives (3:56)
Lecture 3: How to teach the pronunciation for ELF use (3:59)
Lecture 4: Lingua Franca Core: A Research-based Model for Teaching ELF Pronunciation (7:14)
Lecture 5: Pronunciation features which are NOT important for intelligibility in ELF contexts (5:10)
Lecture 6: Six reasons why you might want to move to teaching the pronunciation of ELF (6:09)
Lecture 7: Seven things you should consider before putting the LFC into practice (7:29)
Lecture 8: A 6-step Framework to Teach Pronunciation of ELF (10:36)
Lecture 9: A Sample Activity (11:43)
[BONUS Lecture] How to adapt the LFC to your learners and integrate it with your course book
[OLD VERSION]: Teaching pronunciation - from 'native speaker' target to international intelligibility (20:30)
Module 7: How to Teach Listening for ELF Contexts
Introduction: What you are going to learn in this module (2:45)
Lecture 1: Why we need to rethink the current approach to listening (6:39)
Lecture 2: 6 principles of an ELF approach to listening (4:46)
Lecture 3: How to choose the right recordings for our students (9:50)
Lecture 4: 5 top sites to quickly find the right recordings (9:59)
Lecture 5: How to motivate students by using recordings of successful E(LF) users (9:32)
Lecture 6: How to use listening journals to promote ELF listening skills (13:33)
Lecture 7: How to practise bottom up listening skills to help students understand accents (9:09)
SLIDES - download the slides here
Module 8: How to Adapt your Course Book and Write Your Own Materials for ELF Use
Lecture 1: Analysing your course book (4:56)
Lecture 2: How to Adapt the Course Book to Promote LFC Pronunciation (7:39)
Lecture 3: How to write materials for listening in ELF (8:45)
Lecture 4: How to use non-native speakers as models of successful ELF users (8:20)
Lecture 5: How to showcase authentic ELF use in your materials (8:27)
Lecture 6: How to promote ELF communicative strategies (8:15)
Lecture 7: How to Promote intercultural communicative skills in your materials (6:46)
Lecture 8: How to include awareness raising activities in your materials (5:58)
[BONUS Lecture] Is there ELF in course books?
[SLIDES] Download all the power point slides from this Module
[SUGGESTED READING] Dig a little bit deeper and read research about ELF in teaching materials
[OLD VERSION] Materials writing: creating ELF-oriented materials (16:35)
BONUS: How to Include ELF in Teacher Training and Education
Towards ELF-aware teacher training
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Lecture 1: The importance of grammar and lexis
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